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I am a PhD student in Economics at Harvard.

In my research, I study issues in macro and development economics.

You can find my CV here.

Working Papers

  1. Slack and Economic Development - 2024 (with Michael Walker, Nachiket Shah, Edward Miguel, Dennis Egger, and Felix Samy Soliman)
  2. Optimal Public Transportation Networks: Evidence from the World’s Largest Bus Rapid Transit System in Jakarta - 2023 (with Gabriel Kreindler, Arya Gaduh, Rema Hanna, and Ben Olken) – (appendix) Revise and resubmit, American Economic Review


  1. Spatial Inefficiencies in Africa’s Trade Network - 2024 (appendix). Journal of Development Economics 171
  2. Falling Living Standards during the COVID-19 Crisis: Quantitative Evidence from Nine Developing Countries - 2021 (with Egger, Miguel, Warren, Shenoy, Collins, Karlan, Parkerson, Mobarak, Fink, Udry, Walker, Haushofer, Larreboure, Athey, Lopez-Pena, Benhachmi, Humphreys, Lowe, Meriggi, Wabwire, Davis, Pape, Voors, Nekesa, Vernot), Science Advances 7(6)